Manual – On Wall, In Reveal

Manual – On Wall, In Reveal

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Using a wall mounting method is the simplest and easiest method for DIY installation. However, a manual control winder is the hardest of all installations, battery operated roller shutters are the easiest of all DIY installations and do not require the use of a qualified electrician.

DIY Roller Shutter Height Measurement

To measure the height of the roller shutter you simply need to take two measurements – one on the left side of the window and one on the right side of the window. Measure the height from the top of the window opening down to the bottom of the window opening or sill. If your window frames or architraves protrude out past the wall, then measure the height from the top of the architrave to the bottom of the frame/architrave see Diagram A. If your window frames or any part of the window protrudes out past the wall you will need to use packers (LINK) when installing.

If your window is located directly underneath the eaves, measure from the bottom of the eaves to the sill to get your height measurement see Diagram B.

Always measure to the nearest mm. If your two measurements differ do not worry always use the larger of the two measurements.

From the largest of the two measurements deduct 50mm and write that down this is the curtain height. (NB. The bottom of the header box on a manual winder installation needs to sit 50mm below the top of the opening of the window which is why we deduct 50mm from the measurements.)

Now we need to select an appropriate header box for your chosen shutter type. Simply look up your curtain height (largest height measurement less 50mm) below and select the header box


Curtain heightHeader Box Size NeededTotal Max Height inc header
Up to 1535mm165mm1700mm
1536mm – 1995mm180m2135mm
1996mm – 2795mm205mm3000mm
2796mm – 3570mm230mm3800mm


Curtain height Header Box Size NeededTotal Max Height inc header
Up to 1435mm165mm1600mm
1436 – 1820mm180mm2000mm
1821mm – 2595mm205mm2800mm
2596mm – 3170mm230mm3400mm

CYCLONE Shutters

Curtain height Header Box Size Needed Total Max Height inc header
Up to 1535mm165mm1700mm
1536 – 1995mm180mm2135mm
1996mm – 2795mm205mm3000mm


Curtain height Header Box Size Neede Total Max Height inc header
Up to 2850mm250mm3100mm
Example Domestic ShuttermmLargest Height Recorded
Height left hand side1250
Height right hand side12551255
Less 50mm-50
Curtain Height1205
Header Box Needed+165
Overall Height1370mm

DIY Roller Shutter Width Measurement

To measure the width of the window simply measure the width of window opening at both the top of the window. If your window frames or architraves protrude out past the wall, then measure the width from left hand edge of the architrave to the right-hand edge of the architrave see Diagram A. Don’t worry of the two measurements differ simply use the larger of the two measurements. If your window frames or architraves protrude out passed the wall, then you will need to use packers (Link) when installing.

Next you need to add on the guide rails suitable for your roller shutter type. Simply take the larger of the two width measurements, look up your shutter type and add on the amount shown.

DOMESTIC Shutters guide width 53mmadd on 106mm
BUSH FIRE Shutters guide width 53mmadd on 106mm
CYCLONE Shutters guide width 70mmadd on 140mm
COMMERCIAL Shutters guide width 77mmadd on 154mm
ExamplemmLargest width recorded
Width top of opening950
Width bottom of opening948948mm
Add Guides+106mm
Overall Shutter Width1054mm

Mounting a manually operated roller shutter in the reveal is by far the hardest DIY installation of all. There is no margin for error especially if your windows are out of square, so we would always recommend an on-wall installation for manual roller shutters. This installation method is not recommended for windows that open outwards such as casement, awning or hopper windows as when the guide rails are mounted inside the window recess they could interfere with the operation of the window.

This installation is only suitable for homes with a double wall and cavity construction and a minimum recess depth of 40mm is required.

DIY Roller Shutter in recess/reveal height measurement

To measure the height of the roller shutter you simply need to take two height measurements – one at the left side of the window and one at the right side of the window. Measure the height from the top of the window recess down to the bottom of the window recess. If your window is located directly underneath the eaves, measure from the bottom of the eaves to the sill to get your height measurement see diagram A. If your two measurements differ always use the larger of both measurements.

When mounting your roller shutter in the reveal your height measurement automatically allows for the correct header box size. You will need to cut the guide rails to the correct length and angle of window sill at the time of installation.

DIY Roller Shutter in recess/reveal width measurement

To measure the width of the window simply measure the width of window opening at both the top and bottom of the window see below.

If your measurements vary always use the smaller of the two measurements. If the smallest measurement was taken at the top of the window then deduct 1mm from your measurement to ensure that that the header box, which will be situated at the top of the window can slide into the recess.

When measuring in reveal/recess the width measurement automatically allows for guide rails.